Rich and poor like her.
They felt each other's weakness,
They fed each other's fears.
And though they thought the force of love
Could overcome the curse,
It didn't work like that, in fact
They made each other worse.
Oh Mrs Gucci,
You wanted to be
Mrs Gucci,
In a world without a care,
Diamond tiaras in your hair.
But Mrs Gucci,
You couldn't stay a
A Mrs Gucci,
Forget the money and fame,
You didn't even own your name.
You married into scandal
But the gossip didn't hurt.
To start your own family
You wrecked another first.
Celebrity meant nothing but
You made the evening news
In everything you did you proved
Love breaks all rules.
For ten years you were happy,
For ten years you were free:
Mother, lover, housewife,
You played it perfectly.
But your greatest role
Hasn't happened yet
Fiancee to divorcee
You can guess the rest
Oh Mrs Gucci,
You excelled as
Mrs Gucci.
How you amazed us all
With your meteoric fall.
Oh Mrs Gucci,
Yes you blazed as
Mrs Gucci.
The world is waiting for the sound,
Of you crashing to the ground.
Now this is where we find you
Washed up on the shore.
Hangers on around you,
You break the news no more.
But somehow in the air there is
A residue of pain,
Like smoke from an explosion
That could all
Blow up again.
Oh Mrs Gucci,
You will always be
Mrs Gucci.
No court on earth can wipe away
The tragic story of your name.
So Mrs Gucci,
The angels pray for
Mrs Gucci,
The one who lost her better half
Madonna of the broken heart.
Title song from the Musical, written by Marcos D'Cruze and Peter Jukes