
%AM, %28 %537 %2011 %11:%Sep

Bad Faith Series Two begins

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Afternoon Play – Bad Faith: Unoriginal Sin Ep 1/3

New series
Friday 30 September
2.15-3.00pm BBC RADIO 4
Lenny Henry returns as irreverent police chaplain Jake ThorneLenny Henry returns as irreverent police chaplain Jake Thorne

Lenny Henry returns to BBC Radio 4 as irreverent police chaplain Jake Thorne in a new series of Peter Jukes's acclaimed drama Bad Faith.

In this first episode, Unoriginal Sin, Jake is on secondment to a new police force.

After the death of his father and the breakdown of his marriage, Jake needed to get away from home, so accepted his old friend Sufiq Khan's invitation to come on secondment as police chaplain to Khan's West Yorkshire division.

Jake arrives in his new posting the week before Christmas with a mission to clean up a rough division, but he is immediately plunged into the question of original sin as an 11-year-old is investigated for murder.

Vincent Ebrahim also stars as Chief Supt Sufiq Khan.

Producer/Mary Peate for the BBC

BBC Radio 4 Publicity

From the Radio Times


Bad Faith







Review by:
Jane Anderson

Police chaplain Jake Thorne (played once again by Lenny Henry) has lost his wife (she betrayed him), his father (he died) and his God (AWOL and not missed). So when he arrives to work with a new police force, he is in no mood to suffer fools gladly, let alone racist officers.

To add to the dark setting, his first task is to help a police artist unravel the religious imagery contained in a picture that was described to her by a young boy accused of murder. The 11-year-old’s vision has all the trappings of Satanic abuse, but is this something he’s actually suffered or a mish-mash of Catholic iconography and violent movies? Thorne turns to the elderly local priest for some advice but is met with a most unexpected response.


New series. By Peter Jukes. Lenny Henry returns as irreverent police chaplain Jake, who accepts a secondment to another force after the death of his father and breakdown of his marriage. He is tasked with improving a substandard division, but becomes embroiled in a murder case involving an 11-year-old, forcing him to re-evaluate his concept of original sin. Drama, with Vincent Ebrahim and John Rowe.



Lenny Henry
Chief Supt Sufiq
Vincent Ebrahim
Fr Frank
John Rowe
Conrad Nelson
Seroca Davis
Nadine Marshall
Clive Russell
Alex Tregear
French woman
Susie Riddell


Mary Peate
Mary Peate
Peter Jukes



Read 13916 times Last modified on %AM, %09 %519 %2011 %11:%Nov
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